CTIS310 - Fall Semester Internship


Submit "Application Form"Until July.26.2024, 17:00 p.m. to ctis310@bilkent.edu.tr
Submit "Company Information Form"Until September.02.2024, 17:00 p.m. to ctis310@bilkent.edu.tr
Internship StartsSeptember 16, 2024 - Monday
Internship EndsDecember 24, 2024 - Tuesday (Gets extended depending on a course taken during internship)
Submit Internship ReportDecember 27, 2024 – Friday (If you are taking a course, you will be informed for new submission dates)
Submit Company EvaluationDecember 27, 2024 – Friday (If you are taking a course, you will be informed for new submission dates)
Submit Workplace EvaluationDecember 27, 2024 – Friday (If you are taking a course, you will be informed for new submission dates)
Jury DatesBetween January 6, 2025 - January 10, 2025